Teachers care. Educational research consistently shows that students in smaller classes have better academic outcomes in every measurable way.
Parents care. Smaller class sizes mean more quality interactions between their children and teachers.
Students care. When a child isn't competing with 29 other students, she or he is more likely to actively engage in learning activities.
A recent study by the University of Utah showed that Utah class sizes are the highest in the nation. As a public elementary school teacher, I had several years when there were 30 students in my class. It was almost impossible to give each child individualized attention. When I subtracted time for recess, lunch, specialty classes, whole-group instruction, small-group instruction, and interventions, it left me with about four minutes per individual child per day. Only four minutes in a seven-hour school day.
Classes are much smaller at Orchard STEM School. Our classes are based on the recommended size from the American Federation of Teachers: 15 to 19 students per class. Additionally, our classes have a full-time certified teacher AND a teaching assistant.
We're small by design because we care about how children thrive in smaller classes, and we know that you care, too.